I was never the biggest, I was never the strongest, but I was bravest, always
This Grey Worm quote is rated: 3.71 from: 21 votesIt is hard for me to say Goodbye to you
This Grey Worm quote is rated: 2.33 from: 24 votes"Grey Worm" gives me pride, it is a lucky name. The name this was born with was cursed
This Grey Worm quote is rated: 2 from: 20 votesThat is the worst joke I ever heard
This Grey Worm quote is rated: 2.59 from: 41 votesI fear I never again see Missandei from the Island of Naath
This Grey Worm quote is rated: 2.61 from: 31 votesGames are for children
This Grey Worm quote is rated: 2.17 from: 18 votesI don't make peace with the queen's enemies. I kill the queen's enemies
This Grey Worm quote is rated: 2.37 from: 27 votes