
Baratheons Famous Quotes

Joffrey Baratheon

My princess can drink as much as she wants.

This Joffrey Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.56 from: 16 votes

Tommen Baratheon

You have served your house and your king faithfully for many years. And you will continue to do so. But not in this city

This Tommen Baratheon quote is rated: 1.93 from: 14 votes

Robert Baratheon

That's your wise advise? Do nothing till our enemies are on our shoes?

This Robert Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.4 from: 20 votes

Robert Baratheon

Take me to your crypt, I want to pay my respects.

This Robert Baratheon Quote is rated: 1.88 from: 17 votes

Joffrey Baratheon

I'm not afraid of the pain. Not after what Joffrey's done to me

This Joffrey Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.46 from: 13 votes

Robert Baratheon

I need you Ned, down at Kings Landing, not up here where you're no damn use to anybody.

This Robert Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.18 from: 22 votes

Robert Baratheon

In my dreams, I kill him everynight.

This Robert Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.42 from: 24 votes