Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen Famous Quotes

The Dothraki hadn't crossed the sea, any sea. They did for me

This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 4 from: 10 votes

I was born to rule the seven kingdoms, and I will

This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 4.17 from: 12 votes

He was no Dragon. Fire cannot kill a Dragon

This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 4.28 from: 40 votes

I spent my life in foreign lands. So many men have tried to kill me. I don't remember all their names

This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 4 from: 6 votes

Which war was won without deceit and mass murder?

This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 2.9 from: 10 votes

A fortnight I had no army. A year ago I had no dragons

This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 3.92 from: 12 votes

The next time you raise a hand on me will be the last time you have hands

This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 3.74 from: 34 votes