Joffrey Baratheon

Joffrey Baratheon Famous Quotes

My lady is overdressed, unburden her!

This Joffrey Baratheon Quote is rated: 3 from: 15 votes

Pick up your sword butcher's boy, let's see how good you are.

This Joffrey Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.86 from: 14 votes

We're at war. All our lives are at danger

This Joffrey Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.75 from: 16 votes

That's what intelligent women do... What they're told

This Joffrey Baratheon Quote is rated: 3.36 from: 28 votes

It's not meant as an honor

This Joffrey Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.82 from: 11 votes

I'm going to give you a present. After I raise my armies and kill your traitor brother, I'm going to give you his head as well

This Joffrey Baratheon Quote is rated: 3 from: 14 votes

We allow the Northerners too much power, they consider themselves our equals.

This Joffrey Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.84 from: 19 votes