
Lannisters Famous Quotes

Tyrion Lannister

Drinking and lust, no man can match me in these things. I'm the God of tits and wine

This Tyrion Lannister Quote is rated: 3.93 from: 27 votes

Tyrion Lannister

Let us sail on the tide of freedom instead of being drowned by it

This Tyrion Lannister Quote is rated: 4 from: 14 votes

Jaime Lannister

This room was silent as a crypt. Except for the screams, of course.

This Jaime Lannister Quote is rated: 3.85 from: 27 votes

Jaime Lannister

People have been swinging at me for years, but they always seem to miss

This Jaime Lannister Quote is rated: 4.23 from: 13 votes

Tyrion Lannister

You might find it difficult to rule over millions who want you dead

This Tyrion Lannister Quote is rated: 3.82 from: 22 votes

Tyrion Lannister

Give him something by giving him nothing

This Tyrion Lannister Quote is rated: 3.95 from: 44 votes

Jaime Lannister

There are always lessons in failures

This Jaime Lannister Quote is rated: 4 from: 9 votes