
Latest Baratheons Famous Quotes

Joffrey Baratheon

The King does not ask. He commands

This Joffrey Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.77 from: 22 votes

Joffrey Baratheon

They are weak. They put too much value on their women

This Joffrey Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.53 from: 17 votes

Stannis Baratheon

They'll bend the knee or I'll destroy them

This Stannis Baratheon Quote is rated: 4.14 from: 22 votes

Stannis Baratheon

Joffrey, Renly, Robb Stark, they are all thieves

This Stannis Baratheon Quote is rated: 3.25 from: 16 votes

Stannis Baratheon

When Eddard Stark learned the truth, he told only me. I'll not make the same mistake

This Stannis Baratheon Quote is rated: 3.41 from: 17 votes

Joffrey Baratheon

I'm going to give you a present. After I raise my armies and kill your traitor brother, I'm going to give you his head as well

This Joffrey Baratheon Quote is rated: 3 from: 14 votes

Joffrey Baratheon

Your sweet words have moved me

This Joffrey Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.55 from: 20 votes