Beric Dondarrion

Latest Beric Dondarrion Famous Quotes

Second time I've been killed by a Clegane

This Beric Dondarrion quote is rated: 2.65 from: 20 votes

The Lord of Light isn't done with you yet!

This Beric Dondarrion quote is rated: 2.77 from: 22 votes

I sentence you to trial by combat

This Beric Dondarrion quote is rated: 2.57 from: 14 votes

I've been reborn in the light of the one true God

This Beric Dondarrion quote is rated: 2.16 from: 19 votes

You prey on the weak, the Brotherhood without banners will hunt you down

This Beric Dondarrion quote is rated: 2.68 from: 19 votes