Daario Naharis

Latest Daario Naharis Famous Quotes

I only have two talents in this world. War and women!

This Daario Naharis quote is rated: 2.57 from: 46 votes

You have to know a land to rule it

This Daario Naharis quote is rated: 2.45 from: 22 votes

I'm a great whistler. The greatest in the land

This Daario Naharis quote is rated: 2.94 from: 31 votes

A man cannot make love to property

This Daario Naharis quote is rated: 2.98 from: 41 votes

My sword is yours, my life is yours, my heart is yours

This Daario Naharis quote is rated: 2.35 from: 23 votes

I'm Daario Naharis, I always have a choice

This Daario Naharis quote is rated: 3.77 from: 31 votes

I'm the simplest man you'll ever meet. I only do what I want to do

This Daario Naharis quote is rated: 2.75 from: 44 votes