High Sparrow

Latest High Sparrow Famous Quotes

The Warrior punishes those who believe themselves beyond the reach of justice. But the Mother shows her mercy to those who kneel before her

This High Sparrow quote is rated: 3.03 from: 35 votes

The gods' judgment is fierce, but also fair.

This High Sparrow quote is rated: 2.59 from: 22 votes

The poor disgust us because they are us, shorn of our illusions. They show us what we'd look like without our fine clothes. How'd we smell without perfume

This High Sparrow quote is rated: 3.08 from: 51 votes

There are some who know every verse of the sacred text, but don't have a drop of the Mother's mercy in their blood

This High Sparrow quote is rated: 2 from: 22 votes

Together we announce a new age of harmony. A holy alliance between the Crown and the Faith

This High Sparrow quote is rated: 1.83 from: 6 votes

To die in the service of the gods would please each and every one of us

This High Sparrow quote is rated: 2.6 from: 15 votes

The Faith Militant are very stern with those who overstep their bounds

This High Sparrow quote is rated: 2.16 from: 38 votes