Jojen Reed

Latest Jojen Reed Famous Quotes

Save yourself, Now!

This Jojen Reed quote is rated: 3.25 from: 8 votes

I saw you die tonight, I saw your body burn, I saw the snow fall and bury your bones

This Jojen Reed quote is rated: 3.31 from: 13 votes

I have the sight, I can see things

This Jojen Reed quote is rated: 4.45 from: 11 votes

If you let my sister go, I can help you

This Jojen Reed quote is rated: 3.4 from: 5 votes

If you're trapped in Summer for too long, you'll forget what it was to be human

This Jojen Reed quote is rated: 3.06 from: 16 votes

There's nowhere safe any longer. You know that

This Jojen Reed quote is rated: 3.5 from: 10 votes