Eddard "Ned" Stark

Latest Eddard "Ned" Stark Famous Quotes

I'll fear the Dothraki the day they teach their horses to run on water

This Ned Stark Quote is rated: 3.4 from: 20 votes

If the day ever comes when that boy would rather wield a sword than forge one, you send him to me

This Ned Stark Quote is rated: 4.17 from: 30 votes

If you're going to own a sword, you'd better know how to use it

This Ned Stark Quote is rated: 3.81 from: 21 votes

War was easier than daughters

This Ned Stark Quote is rated: 3.95 from: 22 votes

Is that what you tell yourself at night? You're a servant of justice?

This Ned Stark Quote is rated: 3.23 from: 22 votes

There's great honor serving in the night's watch. The starks have manned the wall for thousands of years.

This Ned Stark Quote is rated: 3 from: 18 votes

I don't fight in tournaments.

This Ned Stark Quote is rated: 3.68 from: 22 votes