Ramsay Bolton

Latest Ramsay Bolton Famous Quotes

In the box you will find a special gift, Theon's favorite toy, he cried when I took it away from him

This Ramsay Bolton quote is rated: 3.2 from: 61 votes

My mother taught me not to throw stones at cripples... But my father taught me to aim for their head

This Ramsay Bolton quote is rated: 3.2 from: 61 votes

You think I'm some sort of savage?

This Ramsay Bolton quote is rated: 2.7 from: 33 votes

This is mercy. I'm not killing you! Just making few alterations

This Ramsay Bolton quote is rated: 3.4 from: 53 votes

If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention!

This Ramsay Bolton quote is rated: 3.64 from: 91 votes

I win the game if you beg me to cut off your finger

This Ramsay Bolton quote is rated: 3 from: 37 votes

Let's play a game. Which body part do you need the least?

This Ramsay Bolton quote is rated: 3.27 from: 60 votes