Theon Greyjoy

Latest Theon Reek Greyjoy

With hunting, there's blood in the end

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 3.5 from: 4 votes

All wildlings are liars and savages with no loyalty to anything or anyone

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 2.14 from: 7 votes

I'm a Greyjoy, I can't fight for Robb and my father both

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 2.75 from: 8 votes

What is dead may never die

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 2.8 from: 5 votes

The sea is in my blood

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 3.93 from: 14 votes

They say hard places breed hard men and hard men rule the world

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 2.9 from: 10 votes

I'm not a Stark, I know that. But your father raised me to be an honorable man. We can avenge him together

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 2.5 from: 14 votes