Viserys Targaryen

Latest Viserys Targaryen Famous Quotes

I want what I came for. I want the crown he promised me.

This Viserys Targaryen Quote is rated: 2.79 from: 14 votes

She can be queen of the savages and dine on the finest bloody horseparts, and you can dine on whichever parts of her you like

This Viserys Targaryen Quote is rated: 2.3 from: 23 votes

You are a horse lord slut, and now you've woken the dragon

This Viserys Targaryen Quote is rated: 2.26 from: 19 votes

What did I buy you for? To make me sad?

This Viserys Targaryen Quote is rated: 2.8 from: 20 votes

Well, after 15 years in a pleasure house, I imagine just seeing the sky makes you happy.

This Viserys Targaryen Quote is rated: 2.62 from: 13 votes

The brave men didn't kill dragons, the brave men rode them.

This Viserys Targaryen Quote is rated: 2.34 from: 38 votes

Khal Drogo is marching the wrong way with my army

This Viserys Targaryen Quote is rated: 2.57 from: 28 votes