Sansa Stark

Sansa Stark Famous Quotes

If Ramsay wins, I'm not going back there alive

This Sansa Stark Quote is rated: 3.09 from: 11 votes

I came here every day when I was a girl. I prayed to be somewhere else. Back then I only thought about what I wanted, never about what I had

This Sansa Stark Quote is rated: 3.36 from: 14 votes

You can't make me. I will starve myself. I will die before I have to go there

This Sansa Stark Quote is rated: 2.63 from: 8 votes

They beat me, they humiliated me, they married me to the imp

This Sansa Stark Quote is rated: 3 from: 11 votes

A raven came from the Citadel. A white raven. Winter is here

This Sansa Stark Quote is rated: 3.3 from: 10 votes

I'm sure cutting heads is very satisfying, but that's not the way you get people to work together

This Sansa Stark Quote is rated: 2.25 from: 4 votes

I would remind you that House Glover is pledged to House Stark. Sworn to answer when called upon

This Sansa Stark Quote is rated: 3 from: 7 votes