
Starks Famous Quotes

Jon Snow

And now you're gonna share it with me? The deep wisdom you found inside the head of a bird?

This Jon Snow Quote is rated: 3.82 from: 11 votes

Arya Stark

I didn't betray him, I didn't betray Robb, I didn't betray my entire family for my beloved Joffrey

This Arya Stark Quote is rated: 3 from: 4 votes

Jon Snow

What's the point of serving a God, if no one knows what he wants

This Jon Snow Quote is rated: 4 from: 5 votes

Arya Stark

We both wanted to be other people when we were younger. You wanted to be a queen, to sit next to a handsome, young king on the Iron Throne. I wanted to be a knight, to pick up a sword like father and off to battle

This Arya Stark Quote is rated: 3.67 from: 12 votes

Jon Snow

The war is not over. And I promise you, friend, the true enemy won't wait out the storm

This Jon Snow Quote is rated: 3.67 from: 24 votes

Arya Stark

When people ask you what happened here... Tell them the North remembers. Tell them winter came for House Frey.

This Arya Stark Quote is rated: 3.79 from: 33 votes

Arya Stark

Someday I'm gonna put a sword through your eye and out of the back of your skull

This Arya Stark Quote is rated: 3.82 from: 17 votes