Theon Greyjoy

Theon Reek Greyjoy

If I got justice, my burnt body would hang over the gates of Winterfell

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 3.54 from: 13 votes

It's better to be cruel than weak

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 3.81 from: 16 votes

The runt of the litter. That one's yours, Snow.

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 3.07 from: 15 votes

My own father, your king, surrendered years ago to Robert Baratheon. I watched him bend the knee

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 3 from: 10 votes

In civilized lands, you refer to your betters by their proper titles

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 2.07 from: 15 votes

I'm a Greyjoy, I can't fight for Robb and my father both

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 2.75 from: 8 votes

With hunting, there's blood in the end

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 3.5 from: 4 votes