Brienne Tarth

Top 10 Brienne of Tarth Famous Quotes

You need trust to have a truce

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 4 from: 9 votes

Don't die for pride when you can fight for your blood

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 3.36 from: 14 votes

All my life men like you have sneered at me, and all my life I've been knocking men like you into the dust

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 3.39 from: 28 votes

A complication doesn't release you from your vows

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 3.38 from: 13 votes

I will shield your back and give my life to yours, if it comes to that. I swear it by the old Gods and new

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 3.47 from: 17 votes

Maybe you were as good as people said... once. Or maybe people just love to overpraise a famous name

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 3.33 from: 18 votes

I don't care, I'm not your Mother

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 3.23 from: 13 votes

I've sworn to protect you, my lady

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 3.37 from: 19 votes

You sound like a bloody woman

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 3.33 from: 18 votes

I, Brienne of Tarth, sentence you to die. Do you have any last words?

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 3.1 from: 20 votes