Walder Frey

Walder Frey Famous Quotes

You didn't lose Riverrun. You let the Blackfish take it from you

This Walder Frey Quote is rated: 1.8 from: 50 votes

when I told you to hunt him down and kill him, you couldn't find him. That's what it means

This Walder Frey Quote is rated: 1.44 from: 39 votes

I can always see what's going on beneath a dress

This Walder Frey Quote is rated: 1.88 from: 32 votes

Riverrun belonged to House Tully for a thousand years. Now it's mine

This Walder Frey Quote is rated: 1.5 from: 4 votes

If I have the sense the Gods gave a fish, I'd hand you both over to the Lannisters

This Walder Frey Quote is rated: 1.42 from: 19 votes

You already swore me an oath right here in my castle. You swore by all the Gods your son will marry my daughter!

This Walder Frey Quote is rated: 1.27 from: 15 votes

Don't try and frighten me Lady Stark

This Walder Frey Quote is rated: 0.92 from: 12 votes