High Sparrow

High Sparrow Famous Quotes

A lifetime of wealth and power has left you blind in one eye

This High Sparrow quote is rated: 2.79 from: 19 votes

Wars teach people to obey the sword not the Gods

This High Sparrow quote is rated: 2.67 from: 21 votes

The Faith Militant are very stern with those who overstep their bounds

This High Sparrow quote is rated: 2.16 from: 38 votes

A true leader avails himself of the wisest counsel he can. And no one is wiser than the gods

This High Sparrow quote is rated: 2.1 from: 10 votes

I fear a great deal. The Father, the Mother, the Warrior

This High Sparrow quote is rated: 1.4 from: 5 votes

Bearing false witness before the gods is as grave a sin as any

This High Sparrow quote is rated: 2.39 from: 18 votes

The notion that we're all equal in the eyes of the Seven doesn't sit well with some, so they belittle me

This High Sparrow quote is rated: 2.52 from: 27 votes