Brienne Tarth

Latest Brienne of Tarth Famous Quotes

I found Arya, she didn't want my protection

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 2.67 from: 3 votes

I don't care, I'm not your Mother

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 3.23 from: 13 votes

A complication doesn't release you from your vows

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 3.38 from: 13 votes

You need trust to have a truce

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 4 from: 9 votes

You sound like a bloody woman

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 3.33 from: 18 votes

Maybe you were as good as people said... once. Or maybe people just love to overpraise a famous name

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 3.33 from: 18 votes

I don't serve the Starks, I serve Lady Catelyn

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 2.67 from: 6 votes